Researchers for Global Health

Thank you for your interest in our projects. For all inquiries especially concerning content of the research projects, education, and clinical care, as well as funding, we invite you to use the contact form below.

We look forward to hearing from you!


If you would like to support our work please donate to the following account:

Name beneficiary: Researchers for Global Health
Name & address banking institute: PostFinance AG, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Berne, Switzerland

IBAN: CH34 0900 0000 8972 5748 8

Contact persons

Jan Fehr
President – Zurich, Switzerland

Andrew Kambugu
Vice president – Kampala, Uganda

Phone: +41 44 508 36 19
Fax: +41 44 508 59 43

Postal address

Researchers for Global Health
c/o freigutpartners
Gämsenstrasse 3
8006 Zurich, Switzerland

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