Roger Kouyos studied physics at ETH Zurich from 2001-2004 followed by a PhD 2008 in mathematical and computational biology, also at ETHZ. Subsequently, he conducted research on HIV epidemiology at the University Hospital Zurich, a postdoc at ETHZ on antibiotic resistance, and a Swiss-National-Science-Foundation(SNSF) fellowship at the University of Princeton on infectious-diseases dynamics and immunometrics.
He returned in 2012 to the University of Zurich as SNSF-funded junior group leader to work on the molecular and computational epidemiology of HIV and coinfections, and is since 2015 an SNSF-Starting-Grant professor at UZH. His current research focuses on computational and molecular approaches to infection and immunity with topics ranging from using transmission networks and mathematical models to assess public health interventions to studying the viral reservoir of HIV and the elicitation of broadly neutralizing antibodies.